
Sussex County Ladies' Golf Association Ltd


Seniors Scratch League

Sara Whittaker (Willingdon) runs the Seniors Scratch League. The Seniors Scratch League enables ladies in the infamous over 50s club to participate in matchplay against Essex, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey over the summer months. Ideally for players who have handicaps between 1 and 8, Sara knows that Sussex offers many enthusiastic, competitive players and she will contact those individuals who fit the bill.

Fixtures for 2024

  • Tuesday 4th June v Kent (A) Knole Park GC:  WIN 4½ -1½
  • Friday 7th June v Surrey (H), Worthing GC, 12noon 1st tee: WIN 4-2
  • Wednesdy 12th June v Essex (A), Chigwell GC, 1pm 1st tee: WIN 4-2
  • Friday 19th July v Middlesex (H), Royal Ashdown GC, 1:30pm 1st tee WIN 4-2
  • Wednesday 4th September v Hampshire (H), Willingdon, 12:30pm WIN 6-0

Seniors' friendly Matches

Deborah James is the Team Manager for the Seniors Friendly Matches. These matches are designed specifically for the over 50s with a handicap of 12.4 or less. Additionally, those ladies over 50 who don't play in the 2nd Team get a chance to participate in friendly, yet competitive golf over the summer months. The format is 4-Ball Betterball (4 pairs) off handicap, against Berkshire, Hampshire, Kent and Surrey. Every season there’s 2 home and 2 away matches.

These are very enjoyable days, played at lovely venues in a friendly, convivial manner. I would like to hear from those ladies who would like to be considered for these matches. I will try to accommodate all ladies who express an interest in playing a match wherever possible. Please email me at if you would like to be considered. I look forward to hearing from you. There is a match fee of £10 which covers your day and a meal after play.

Fixtures for 2024

  • Tuesday 27th August v Kent (A), Lamberhurst GC, WIN 3-1
  • Monday 9th September v Hampshire (H) Mannings Heath GC, 11:30am
  • Thursday 26th September v Surrey (A) TBC, early afternoon TBC
  • Thursday 3rd October v Berkshire (H), Copthorne GC, 11:30am

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