Spring Rumble, Thursday 16th May, West Hove
Organised by Debby Gill and assisted by Helen Sharp
Starters Margaret Brown and Janis Kinnear
Yesterday saw the first of our County Competitions take place and we were pleased to welcome 54 players from 18 teams, representing eleven different clubs. Sadly, the team from Chichester suffered a puncture en route and so were unable to take part. It rained for much of the day, so whilst the course was presented in super condition the wet conditions certainly made it trickier to play. As if to taunt us all, the sun came out once everyone was back in the clubhouse enjoying a fabulous luxury afternoon tea.
The full results can be viewed here. The winning teams were:
1st place: Jill Nickalls, Catherine Hinchliffe, Jane Harris – Mid Sussex Golf Club (71 points) - Pictured Below Left
2nd place: Carolyn Tanner, Jan Hobden, Diane Love – Royal Ashdown Forest/Ashdown Golfers (68 points)
3rd place: Heather Bish, Julie King, Louise Turner – Mid Sussex (68 points)
4th place: Julie Kember, Val Dickens, Bernice Lowe – Singing Hill/West Hove (66 points)
Best Front 9: Lynne Caladine, Sara Whittaker and Maxine Cobbold – Willingdon (36 points)
Best Back 9 :Pauline Senior, Brend Henderson and Claudia Bailey – Goodwood (37 points)
NtP 7th Anna Benning – Chartham Park*
NtP 13th Louise Turner Mid Sussex*
Longest Drive 8th Hsien Power - Cuckfield*
*Pictured below right
Jill Nickalls (Mid Sussex), a member of the winning team has now won this trophy three years in succession with different team members each time – quite an achievement! Form an orderly queue to be in her team next year!
Our thanks to West Hove for hosting this competition and providing an excellent afternoon tea.